Partner Departure Tips
Why Smart Lawyers Get Counsel for Law Firm Departures
Odds are that most lawyers will decide to change law firms at least once during their career. However, surprisingly, many who embark upon this major life transition fail to seek legal counsel as part of that process. Why?
Creating Successful Outcomes for Lateral Partner Transitions
Partner departures and lateral moves can create winning scenarios for both the partners and the firms. But taking a disciplined approach to projecting the performance of any practice is the key to avoiding potential unpleasant surprises for both sides.
Your Law Firm Culture Should Protect the Firm from Partner Departures
It is critically important to respond to partner departures in the right way. But like any risk management analysis, it is not enough to put protections in place to react. To manage the firm properly, you also must analyze whether the firm's culture is aligned with the goal of retaining talented partners in the first place.
What to Expect When You’re Departing
For law firm partners, most departures issues are foreseeable and manageable with planning and preparation.
5 Law Firm Events That Can Trigger Partner Departures
Well-managed firms try to anticipate situations that can lead to partner departures to prevent departures or to manage them. However, the starting point is to know what can trigger partner departures.