Partner Departure Law

Law Firm Formations

October 22, 2021

Why Your Law Firm Needs a Lawyer

Law firms are full of lawyers, so why would a firm full of lawyers need its own counsel? Lots of reasons, it turns out.

March 18, 2021

How Savvy Law Firms Protect their Firm from Partner Departures

Law firms have a range of options to reduce the likelihood of partner departures and to ethically and thoughtfully protect the firm when they occur.

January 13, 2021

Law Firm Risk Management Goals for 2021

In a year full of law firm transitions, departures, and dissolutions, more change is surely on the horizon. This is still the perfect time to add a critical item to your list: Set the goal of reviewing your law firm’s risk management in a systematic way this year.

October 12, 2020

What’s in a Title? How Law Firms Define the Lawyers that work at the Firm Matters

Does your firm have Non-Equity Partners?  Of Counsel, Consulting, or Contract Attorneys? All of the above? What is the nature of their relationship with the firm, and how are they compensated?

July 10, 2020

Law Firm Formations and Transformations

As the legal industry continues to adjust to life during a pandemic, things are still changing every day as law firms make economic and other adjustments to their traditional ways of doing business.  And all this change is likely to lead to even more change.  As a result, we will continue to see law firm […]